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My dad would have loved these books and loved talking about them. I was guilty of avoiding the kitchen and hiding in my room, especially at the end of the day if this little introvert was over stimulated, because he could talk about philosophical topics for hours. He'd stay up until 2 am even if he had to be up at 5:00. He loved to learn. He loved to pick things apart and make sense of them. He would have loved reading this.
Due to my horrendous memory, every time I've read a book, I highlighted and marked up the pages so I could go back and read the footnotes.
I soon realized that was just as useless because I often highlighted half the book, so I started typing out the highlights in my Evernote in order to do keyword searches. This archive has become a GEM, especially when writing scripts for work.
I have almost 30 books logged and plan to slowly post each one. To my best understanding, under the rights of Fair Use, I can share up to 300 words of my favorite quotes from each book. Although that only scratches the surface of the notes that I have logged, I hope it encourages you! (and also to buy the book!)
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